First Group Assignment

  1. Create groups of no more than 5 students each.

  2. View the Stop Action video to see what the variables of stop action are and how to create panning.

    1. Also may like to view this Stop Action video as well.

  3. Each group will take each of the variables of stop action and experiment to see how each of the variables effect an image to create either stop action, blur action or panning.

  4. Using photos the group has taken create a PowerPoint presentation for each of the variables, to show how they effect stop action, blur action, and panning photography.

  5. Present your findings to Mr. D. First Variable DUE by Wed. Jan. 13th.

  6. When you get the OK from Mr. D the group will select Stop Action, Blur Action and Panning photos that are creative, interesting, and that everyone in the group could take on their own.

  7. Present the 3 pictures to Mr. D and explain why you think they are creative and interesting.

  8. The group will experiment on ways to get similar photos.

  9. When successful, Each student in the group will then take and submit a creative but similar Photo to each of the selected pictures.

  10. Each students picture should reflect something creative that separates it from the other students in the group.